December 28, 2011

Little things that make a Big Difference

“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”

This is one of my favorite quotes of all time and this is something that is applicable to nearly everyone we know. 

Until the whole world quiets down, we sometimes can't feel the presence of the subtlest things in life. Until we are in an empty room away from all technology and all distractions, we don't notice that we are breathing, yet we breathe every second of our life. How weird is that? 

As soon as we get a notification on Facebook, or as soon as we get a text, or an email, we know it, but we don't know we are breathing! When we notice that we are breathing, we suddenly feel alive; what were we doing this whole time? Thank god we can breath involuntarily, otherwise, well I think you know what happens. 

We are so occupied with the jibber jabber of our mind that we hardly notice things that are beautifully presenting themselves in front of us. It could be as simple as noticing the sensitivity of our skin until there is a cut on the skin. We have been living in this very skin since our birth and yet to really know the sensitivity, we need a cut or a scratch. Or to know what our legs are capable of until they start to hurt. It feel kind of ridiculous that we need to get hurt or lose something for us to be grateful. 

I like what Gurudev (Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) says in the basic course, we don't know the value of the peace of mind until we go through a disturbance. When the present moment seems intolerable, we suddenly want that peace of mind that we experienced moments ago, but at that moment, we didn't feel grateful or even recognize that peace. 

Another example could be, when you go on a walk in the early morning as the sun is rising when most of the people are sleeping, you will notice soooo many more things in nature: the trees, birds, and little kids. haha But when you are rushing to work while talking on the phone, yeah right, we are lucky if you notice the car in front of you. Only if we could live every moment of our life like the morning walks. 

Although, its very difficult for us get away from the distractions of technology, but that's when I notice the most beautiful and subtle things in life and that's when I naturally feel grateful. Maybe for starters, a 10 min morning walk just for yourself would help. After all, its the little things that matter the most, and its the little things that create big waves.